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Добре дошли в първия по рода си и единствен форум посветен на войните в колежа.Искаш да си част от Капа,Гама или Делта?Или пък ще се присъединиш към някое от братствата?
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Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 29, 2012 12:00 pm by Ally.

» Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 9:07 am by Сам Уилсън

» Look at me.
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptyWed Jan 11, 2012 1:50 pm by Elle Monroe.

» Kiss my boyfriend in the pouring rain
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 3:42 pm by Caroline Forbs.

»  This one's for you and me,living out our dreams.We're all right where we should be.Lift my arms out wide,i open my eyes.And now all I wannna see is a sky full of lightets,a sky full of lighters.
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 2:58 pm by Shay.

» Go on an adventure in NY with my best friend
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 10:52 am by Jason Yale

» Go to London
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 2:41 pm by Rebecca Starlet

» Go bungee jumping
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 1:26 pm by Elle Monroe.

» Kiss someone at midnight on New Year
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 1:25 pm by Elle Monroe.

Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! C2hjy Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! TU5N9 Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! LGbTb
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Elle Monroe.
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Amber Lee
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Ефи Стонем.
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Ashley Bean
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Jayy Von Monroe.
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Adriana Ambosa
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Alex Cloud
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Rebecca Starlet
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
Катрин Евънс
Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_lcapCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Voting_barCrazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Vote_rcap 
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Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Flags_0


 Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!

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Elle Monroe.
Помощник на Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
Помощник на Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
Elle Monroe.

Posts : 311
Join date : 2011-12-29
Име на героя : Elle Swan
Член на: : Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
БФФ : Merry Chase. Blair Evans,Клаус.Амбър Лий
Брат/сестра : Jayy Von Monroe.

Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Empty
PostSubject: Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!   Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 9:01 am

Такааам етоо и малко мои глупости ;ддд Скоро си изтеглих фотошоп ии това са някои от нещицата ми ;дд ;ddd beeeebeeee beeeebeeee
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Сам Уилсън
Член на Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)
Член на Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)
Сам Уилсън

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-12-29
Име на героя : Сам Уилсън
Член на: : Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)
БФФ : Jayy Von Monroe.рНейт О'Браян
Брат/сестра : Фредерик диМонд

Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!   Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 9:04 am

hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh Гериии искам подпис! :P
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Elle Monroe.
Помощник на Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
Помощник на Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
Elle Monroe.

Posts : 311
Join date : 2011-12-29
Име на героя : Elle Swan
Член на: : Gamma Phi Beta (ΓΦΒ)
БФФ : Merry Chase. Blair Evans,Клаус.Амбър Лий
Брат/сестра : Jayy Von Monroe.

Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!   Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 9:06 am

Добрее ^^ Само ми кажии лика на героя ти :) ;ddd
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Сам Уилсън
Член на Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)
Член на Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)
Сам Уилсън

Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-12-29
Име на героя : Сам Уилсън
Член на: : Zeta Tau Alpha (ΖΤΑ)
БФФ : Jayy Von Monroe.рНейт О'Браян
Брат/сестра : Фредерик диМонд

Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!   Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 9:07 am

Chaning Tatum :D
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Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!   Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies! Empty

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Crazy or not,that kind of love never dies!
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